Thursday, October 12, 2006

So there he was. drawing away at what looks like man o war from valiant comics back in the day.
after a few minutes, i got the nerve to actually talk to him while he was working. i broke the ice by asking him about the pens he uses. we sort of talk shop for a few minutes, all the while, my brain was racing as how to show him my work without making like a fanboy.
finally, there was an opening. some guy interrupted (politely) our small talk. i took this opportunity to grab my LAST copy of jungle corps and steeled myself. after the dude walked away, i handed whilce the copy and said that i wanted to give this to him as a token of my esteem for his work. he was starting up again (drawing) when i handed it to him, so i didn't expect anything.
but check this out: he did a double take and he said that he was looking for something like this for a while now. imagine my surprise! after this, we talked at lenght about my work and how he had been looking for material that falls in line with what i was doing.

what a trip!

so after that, he asked me if i have my contact info in the book (i did). and a few weeks later i had a encouraging email from him about the project.

we met a few times and started to talk about my other projects. one of which is something that's been rattling 'round my noggin for a while now.
i told whilce about it it's called MAHARLIKA CHRONICLES. and here's the hero of the piece
his name is Datu TALIM.

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